Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Madiba - Dallas 2007 (acrylic, ink and modelling paste on board 4' X 3')

By courtesy of the owners.
" Madiba" was commissioned on completion of "Poet's of Destruction". I wanted to paint something that would mean something to the owners, and since one is a South Africa expatriate, Nelson Mandela came to mind. I have always love the inauguration speech he made at the Union Buildings at Pretoria, and thought the interlacing of "N'kosi Sikeleli" with the speech would make a powerful image. Madiba just grew out of the board. A combination of heavy and light modelling paste and water, water, water create a powerful combination of cracks, texture and glassy smoothness. The figure is about the same size as my torso - intimidating to work on at times. Instead of using different colored inks I experimented with varying teh size of the writing. I'm really happy that I can still visit with this creation once in a while.

1 comment:

Murray said...

Tessa you are not allowed to show me these spaces - it brings too much back and I miss you all too much when I see your work.